As the world follow news of the Pope's health, the Archbishop of Tokyo, Cardinal Kikuchi, has delivered a gift from the Pope ...
就在全世界关注教宗健康状况的新闻之际,东京总主教菊地功枢机主教向这位年长的日本前囚犯转交了教宗的礼物,这位囚犯因谋杀罪名入狱半个多世纪后终于获得无罪释放。 1984年,他受洗并取名为保禄。
“明天是针对乌克兰的大规模战争三周年:对全人类来说,这是一个痛苦和耻辱的周年纪念日。在我再次与长期遭受苦难的乌克兰人民保持密切联系之际,我邀请您們記念所有武装冲突的受害者,并为巴勒斯坦、以色列和整个中东、缅甸、剛果的基伍省和苏丹的和平恩寵祈祷。” ...
While the world is concerned for his health after yesterday's respiratory crisis, in a text released for the Angelus, Francis ...
Mentre il mondo è in apprensione per la sua salute dopo la crisi respiratoria di ieri, Francesco nel testo diffuso per ...
Proprio in queste ore difficili per la salute del pontefice il card. Kikuchi, arcivescovo di Tokyo, ha consegnato un dono del ...
俄罗斯入侵三年后,乌克兰如今正遭受西方意想不到的敌人——唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)领导的美国的攻击,其指控称总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyj)是篡位者,应被罢免,说法跟弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir ...
「勇敢企業在巴士」是 OTB 基金会和「她为和平工作」合作的新项目,旨在帮助阿富汗妇女通过创业建立独立和有尊嚴的未来。其目的是提供培训、支持和具体工具,尽管当今阿富汗的状况极其不稳定和恶劣。
Nasce 'Brave Business in a Bus', un nuovo progetto di OTB Foundation e She Works for Peace per aiutare le donne afghane a costruire un futuro di indipendenza e dignità attraverso l ...
Iyus, an Indonesian who first arrived in Japan in 2013, will work as a tour bus driver. Tokyo aims to welcome thousands of foreign workers to address labor shortages in various sectors, including tran ...
South Korean travel agency asks people to avoid wearing Vietnam war veteran hats;The long-awaited cricket match between India and Pakistan will be played tomorrow in the United ...