Een van die watermeters wat uitgeruk is in die Middedorp en ’n spuitfontein veroorsaak het voor ’n huis. Ons dorp se watermeterdiewe het in drie dae se tyd 16 watermeters gesteel! Die booswigte is ...
Van die totale opppervlakte le 720 ha aangrensend aan die dorpgronde, wat apart verhuur kan word (of gesamentlik). Die plaas beskik oor 4,1 ha besproeiingsgrond, wat ideal is vir produktiewe ...
KuisebmondPa verkrag glo 11-jarige dogter’n Man wat daarvan beskuldig word dat hy sy 11-jarige dogter verskeie kere sedert 2022 verkrag het, is steeds op vrye voet. Die laaste vo As jy n aktiewe ...
David Gilmour has opened up about his fractured relationship with former Pink Floyd bandmate Roger Waters, noting that he had ...
Daar gaan verskeie stalletjies wees en van die kos wat verkoop gaan word sluit in vetkoeke met maalvleis, pap en kaiings, rib-burgers, boereworsrolle, kerrie en rys, sosaties, pannekoek, poeding en ...
Did you know that 1 in 27 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime?This October, OFM’s annual <a href=" ...
Hierdie 2163-hektaar plaas is ‘n waarlik eksklusiewe eiendom wat nie vanaf die pad gesien kan word nie; daar is geen aandagtrekkende borde of tekens nie, ‘n gewonde plaashek. Die plaas bied ‘n ...
Although he's cited the singer-songwriter as a major writing influence, Roger Waters hasn't minced words about hating these Bob Dylan records.
I chose a tour of Angkor Wat at sunrise. Picture: Amanda Woods Time is limited so I opt for a classic with sunrise at Angkor ...
For the last few decades, Microsoft Word has been the de facto standard for word processors across the working world. That’s finally starting to shift, and it looks like one of Google’s ...
If you're using Microsoft Word and the document fails to save, how do you recover it? It could be a system crash, the power fails, or your laptop battery suddently dies. Whatever the scenario ...
From aquabob to zawn, writer Robert Macfarlane's collection of unusual, achingly poetic words for nature creates a lexicon we all can learn from. Years ago, nature writer extraordinaire Robert ...