The members of Daughters of Fission say that they are glad to be playing at a time when "heavy" and "avant garde" music are more widely accepted; however, abandonatomy doesn't sound particulary heavy ...
“Ballonerism” is a posthumous album by Mac Miller. In the music the late Miller never got to release, we hear the work he was ...
In the new linear notes, Tweedy reflects, “Making that record and then finding this lineup, that was the start of something—of having a band that can play anything. That’s why, twenty years ...
“MIXTAPE LINER NOTES VAR. VII” is out now, and it’s awesome. “1000 Variations On The Same Song is a theme and variations — there are times in your life as a songwriter where you’ll ...
The pop-punk of Mourning Maxwell won't really blow anyone's mind, but for fans of the genre, this is a lot better than what they play on the radio. The production by Bob Hoag is incredibly slick for a ...