Public records show Routh has been registered as unaffiliated with any party since 2002 but has recently voted for and ...
A new poll in New Hampshire, home to the only competitive gubernatorial election this year, indicates a tight race in the ...
From a largely apolitical life to GOP politics to the Democratic ballot, Jennifer McCormick's transformation is inspiring to ...
A week after President Barack Obama won reelection in November 2012, JD Vance, then a law student at Yale, wrote a scathing ...
Trump and Harris haven't agreed to another debate. Michigan has traditionally hosted primary or general election debates in ...
Lily Tang Williams' Republican primary win in the 2nd Congressional District continues a remarkable trend that seems to defy ...
Former Republicans opposed to Donald Trump are working to give conservatives "permission" to vote for a Democrat ...
Donald Trump often finds comfort in Mr. Lewandowski’s feisty instincts and off-color humor. But some Trump aides worry about ...
In the race for Congress in New Hampshire's 2nd District, Republicans are reviving a trend with their nominee that cuts ...
Nelson told CNN that during the 2016 Republican primary he agreed to delete the article at Vance’s request, so that Vance might have an easier time getting a job in Republican politics.
"He doesn't want an American form of government in which elections decide whether or not he's in power," Maddow tells Joy ...
Nelson told CNN that during the 2016 Republican primary he agreed to delete the article at Vance’s request, so that Vance might have an easier time getting a job in Republican politics.