A letter from imprisoned KAPD military leaders to the Party, declaring their continued allegiance. Originally published in ...
Including: wages suppressed and prices up, South Africa, National Passenger Workers Union, government spending, syndicalism ...
We invite everyone to subscribe again – this allows the Assembly to continue working for you and helping our local readers in ...
Including: Labour government under pressure, wages and unemployment, report from Nigeria on miners' strike, Russian trade ...
Including: don't vote in the election, workers' control not nationalisation, direct action not the TUC, "something rotten in ...
Including: Workers' apathy, unemployment, nationalised transport industries, Australia elections, economics and imperialism, ...
Very short article by the KAPD about what it and the AAU is and what it wants. Originally published in "KAZ, 1928, No. 66".
A Solidarity Federation Hospitality Workers' Union leaflet regarding a dispute with the owners of Almost Famous and Super ...
Introduction to "Misfit: a revolutionary life" by Captain Jack White (Livewire Publications, Dublin). Text from Revolt Against Plenty Website.
Including: conditions for garment workers in Stockport, capitalism in Rhodesia, Domela Nieuwenhuis obituary, Italian elections, Russia, Sinn Fein suppressed by British government, Helen Keller wants ...
Since December, the prosecution has presented its case against Bogdan Syrotiuk, a socialist political prisoner in Ukraine, in ...
Including: cold war, anti-semitism in eastern Europe, London and Liverpool dockers strike, the downfall of Tito, co-operative ...