Equal pay cases against UK companies surged by more than a third in a sign that high-profile court cases against the ...
The majority of Britons want the government to press ahead with a deposit return scheme for all drinks containers including ...
When you're in the presence of a great orator, you just know. It's an unmistakable energy that sweeps across a room—a sense ...
Out of power and out of answers, the UK opposition struggles for direction.
A shock opinion poll has found that support for the Labour Party has dropped significantly since the general election. The ...
A new opinion poll has found support for the Labour Party has dropped significantly since the general election revealing ...
It puts the Taoiseach's party five points ahead of Fianna Fáil which is down one and Sinn Féin which has dropped by two with ...
Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley MSP, Willie Coffey, has welcomed the poll by Survation which found Scots back more powers for ...
The latest Irish Times/Ipsos opinion poll shows Fine Gael as the most popular party in the country at 27 per cent, a rise of ...
Almost a third of people in Spain believe there are too many tourists in their local area, a poll has shown. Nearly half of ...