What if construction materials could be put together and taken apart as easily as LEGO bricks? Such reconfigurable masonry ...
A group of scientists has filed an antitrust claim against 6 publishers of academic journals alleging a conspiracy to make ...
Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL), in Sidney, Montana, completed a study that shows the use of ...
Many researchers think that science policy is a total snoozefest. They imagine policy workers churning out boring white ...
Introducing our emerging tech & science newsletter, The Prototype. Each week, we’ll explore the latest discoveries, giving ...
As hormones surge, some brain areas shrink in what scientists say may be a fine-tuning that helps mothers bond with and care ...
Photosynthesis can take place in nature even at extremely low light levels. This is the result of an international study that ...
J. B. S. Haldane was one of the great scientific minds of the twentieth century and played an important role in the ...
From pension fraud to plastic plants, this year's Ig Nobel prizes recognize science that can be lighthearted, surprising or ...
The Climate reporter Hiroko Tabuchi is interested in all the things we take for granted about our environment.
More than 3,600 chemicals used in food packaging or preparation have been detected in human bodies, some of which are ...
Metadata in images of scanning electron microscopes doesn't match the make and model of the instrument in thousands of papers ...