This course is compulsory on the BSc in Finance. This course is not available as an outside option nor to General Course students. This course will provide a non-technical introduction to Finance and ...
All finance majors must take Financial Econometrics. Economics majors who are also finance majors may use Introduction to Econometrics (21:220:322). Introduction and analysis of the dimensions of risk ...
I would recommend it.' The Statistician '… an excellent introduction to the mathematics of finance … very useful as a text for an introductory course.' Zentralblatt Math '… provides an accessible and ...
Including questions with answers, study topics, real-world examples and an extensive bibliography, this book offers an overview of project finance and an understanding of the key risks involved in ...'s Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts offers free online finance courses. The Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts financial literacy course ...
22:839:615 - Object Oriented Programming in Finance II The goal of this year-long sequence of courses is to give a rigorous introduction to computer programming and software engineering with special ...
Introduction to property investment analysis, the role of property finance and the evaluation of property financing decisions. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For ...
Japan is enjoying a boom in visitor numbers and spending. Behind the scenes, however, tax evasion through abuse of ...
Discover how to forecast the cost of future disasters and develop cost-effective disaster risk finance strategies. Through a series of examples and practical hands-on exercises you will explore the ...
Fábián, Csaba I. Mitra, Gautam and Roman, Diana 2011. Processing second-order stochastic dominance models using cutting-plane representations. Mathematical ...