On the eastern coast of Halkidiki in Greece lie the ruins of ancient Stagira, the birthplace of the great philosopher ...
Plato's own pupil, Aristotle, was born in 384 BC and began as an ardent supporter of his teacher. However, gradually he modified his teacher's views and turned away from the world of ideas back to ...
If you're a young person (or a parent of one), you may be thinking some big thoughts about your future. Am I going to go to ...
Many of the sayings we use daily were first coined by Aristotle (384-BC – 322 BC). His studies in living the Good Life (nothing to do with Felicity Kendall looking seductive in dungarees and ...
Aristotle, a mathematician, thrived in the Greek system. Socrates, a teacher, promoted the concept of asking questions into teaching methodologies. From 600 BC onwards, the Greeks became more and ...
A tiny deserted Greek island, Agios Petros, hides the remains of an 8,000-year-old settlement now submerged beneath the ...
A few hundred years later in around 300 BC, Aristotle pointed out that some kids also look like their moms and grandmas, and that traits like grey hair showed up after somebody made kids ...
Often hailed as the greatest philosopher who ever lived, conflicting accounts exist over Plato’s final years and death around 348 BC. However, new research claims to have uncovered Plato’s ...
The small islet of Agios Petros, north of Alonissos, Greece, is believed to be the oldest submerged settlement of the Aegean.
Aristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher, was an expert on structuring arguments to win debates. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle wrote up his ideas in a collection of essays called Rhetoric.
A distinctive aspect of the CIT is to engage students with great ideas (usually by exposure to great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and so on). It does so not simply to learn about them ...
2022. Books Received 72.1. The Classical Review, Vol. 72, Issue. 1, p. 369. The De incessu animalium forms an integral part of Aristotle's biological corpus but is one of the least studied ...